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How To Play Sand Traps
By Lee MacRae
Getting a good golf shot out of bunker or a sand trap can go along way to salvaging a golf hole. Here are a few tips that you can use to make your golf game better.
One of the most awkward bunker shots calls for you to stand outside the bunker when your ball is inside it. This usually results in unpleasant bending and a loss of balance. The key here is not to bend the back and stretch out to the ball. Concentrat instead on bending the knees as much as possible. Think of weightlifters. You never see them bending over to pick up their weights. They bend their knees, grab the weights, then simply stand up. Their legs are doing the lifting. Your legs, too, should do the bending on these tough bunker shots.
Hitting from a buried lie in the bunker [otherwise known as a "fried egg"] isn't as difficult as most golfers think. In fact, a shot that gets the ball out is closer to a normal golf shot than a conventional bunker shot is. That's because you play the shot with your clubface closed. Remember that the flange of a sand wedge is designed to prevent you from digging into the sand. But with a buried lie, digging in is exactly what you want to do. Close the face of your wedge, hit down into the sand and inch or two behind your ball. This is one of the few sand shots in which a follow-through isn't just important, it shouldn't exist at all! Some golfers have even been known to let the club go at impact. Note; this shot can also be played with a pitching wedge, which is almost guaranteed to dig in.
Here is a simple way of remembering how much to open a blade of your sand wedge. Taken an open stance, with your feet aiming to the left of the hole. Then simply open the clubface until it is aiming directly act of the hole. Now, swing outside-to-in across the ball, and your ball will pop out and bounce and roll slightly to the right, toward the hole.
And no matter what the circumstances are, don't allow tension to ruin your techinque. Tension will ruin even the best of golf swings. Keep your body and your mind loose and positive. Always imagine yourself handling the shot with success. What the mind sees, the body will do. You golf game will improve immensly when you add these tips.
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Additional Info On Golf TodayYou've heard that a golf-specific workout will help you get more distance, so you're pumping iron, jogging religiously, stretching - but you still haven't gained any distance off the tee. What's the deal? An exercise program will indeed help you gain distance, but you also need to have good swing technique to take advantage of your strength and flexibility.
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top 50 tips9. Through The Navel
An extension of the shaft at address should point at your navel. This ensures that the body is bent over the proper amount and is far enough from the ball.
Golf Tips magazine
You can�t fire a gun unless you pull the trigger, right? A similar concept also applies to the golf swing, which also usually requires a �trigger move� to get the body moving. Now, not everyone has a trigger, some manage to swing well from a static position to a dynamic position. But for the rest of us who often find confusion when it comes to where to start the golf swing, a trigger move can help you start swinging in a fluid and consistent manner.
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Tops Golf Ball Count with 138 of 156 Players in Field
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Cast Iron Golf Clubs Or Forged?
By: Lee MacRae
With so many different makes and types of
golf clubs on the market, it is no wonder beginners, let alone the more experienced golfer, can become easily confused when it comes to buying clubs.
We will go through a few basic tips to help you determine which golf clubs are right for you.
To begin with, it can be stated that "off the shelf" golf clubs will work for nearly everybody standing between 5 feet and six feet tall. That can be said to apply to men as well as to women. If you are outside those parameters, then you may need to look at custom fitted clubs.
Cast or Forged Golf Club?
Standard cast iron golf clubs are the normal way to go.
And there is a reason for that. Because most standard cast iron golf clubs have a larger "sweet spot". The trem refers to the best area on the club face that will give you the maximum range and accuracy on a shot. A larger sweet spot gives you a larger striking area and greater odds for a well-hit shot. You can still be a little "off center" and the ball is still struck well because you have a larger margin of error. Beginners especially benefit from that standard cast iron feature. Until their swing plane is more developed, they will have an easier time striking the ball on a consistant basis with the cast iron club. This is the major reason why you see larger or even "oversized" clubs made, especially the oversized drivers today. These clubs allow for a larger sweet spot and make the game a lot easier for the average player
With forged iron clubs you have the exact opposite. A smaller sweet spot that makes your drives that much harder to hit well.
Why, you ask, are forged iron clubs even made then?
Because the "softer" forged metal gives the golfer a better feel than the harder cast iron does. The more seasoned player, especially the pros on the circuit, don't need that larger sweet spot. They have a more consistant swing plane and strike the ball with far more accuracy. They use the "feel" of the the forged iron clubs to influence the flight of the ball in a way that a beginner or average player can't.
The shaft of the club is your next thing to look at. Specifically the material it will be made from. Basically, you have steel or composite shafts
The significant factor here is club head speed. A typical golfer will have a club velocity between 80-94 mph. A slower swing speed means you had better think of using a shaft made from composite material, not steel. The result of lower swing speed is less yardage on each shot. You want to find some way to offset your lower swing speed. Composite shafts will allow you to get that much needed distance on your shots. And even within the composite shaft class, you will find variations in flex and materials that will affect your game.
For those of you with faster swing speeds, and subsequenlty good distances, steel shafted clubs will give you a lot more control on your shots. This is very similar to the advantages of iron over cast clubs.
Determining your own swing speed is not difficult. If you don't have a local pro shop with the right equipment, you can find small microwave Doppler radar devices that are run by AAA batterieson the market. You simply set it near your tee and swing away.
With merely these few starting tips, it is normally best if you rent a few different sets of clubs as you play and take note of how each club helps or hampers your game. You are seeking to ascertain your individual strong points or weaknesses. Try out the various types and varieties of golf clubs available at your local golf course or in a nearby town and see what you can learn. You will soon determine the best approach to improving your personal score.
These simple golf driving tips have proved effective in helping many golfers around the world improve their drives off the tee. Simply apply what you have read here to your own circumstances. Here's to your own improvement!
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Additional Info On Golf Todaytop 50 tips13. Get Behind
There's no leverage in the golf swing if you're ahead of the ball. Good players move away from the target slightly in the backswing and don't pass the ball until after impact.
Golf Tips magazine
Don't Neglect Your Clubs
There's nothing wrong with throwing your clubs in the trunk after a round, but make sure they get properly cleaned on a regular basis.
Golf Tips magazine
Golf Equipment And Training Aids
Although they might look somewhat similar, the mechanics of hitting a bunker shot are different than those used to play a chip shot from grass. In the sand, it�s actually advantageous to allow the clubhead to pass your hands past impact. This move encourages a higher, softer shot by increasing the clubhead speed and amount of spin that can be created. Due to the unstable nature of sand, think of these shots as more �handsy� than most others in golf.
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Assuming the texture of the sand is similar, and the ball is not plugged, the technique for hitting out of a greenside bunker remains the same for shots up to 30 yards (27m). The key to making this shot is hitting the sand about 1 to 2 inches behind the ball, throwing the sand forward with the ball. For longer shots the only thing that changes is the swing's length. Rhythm and tempo remain the same.
PGA Tour
Free Turn
The lower body should serve to support the movement of the upper body by leading the backswing. Flexed and relaxed, the legs are able to be moved by the rotation of the upper body, in no way inhibiting the turn. While the legs don't initiate the backswing, they contribute to the wind up of the body against the ground. A good thought is to imagine the legs as braces that connect you to the ground.
Golf Tips magazine
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